监测任务生成 Create a monitoring task
医嘱智能解析,自动拆分生成检测任务 Smart analysis of doctor’s directions and automatic creation of testing tasks
Scan to verify patient ID 通过扫描患者二维码对患者进行身份识别 Identify patients by scanning QR code
数据权限管理 Data authority management
通过对数据的权限分类,院内医护可随时随地查看对应患者的血糖数据 Based different data permissions,doctors and nurses can check blood sugar data of patients in the system
数据实时传输 Transfer data in real-time
检测结果通过蓝牙、WIFI自动传输至移动端及服务器 Automatic transfer of results to mobile terminals and servers via Bluetooth or WiFi
Fluctuations of disease indicators made easy to grasp by multi-dimensional analysis Organic integration and comprehensive analysis of chronic disease data

Various intelligent mobile terminals make ward rounds visual and interactive

Doctors and nurses can retrieve the historical data of patients in the system in real time

医护人员 Healthcare professionals
无纸化办公,提升诊疗效率 Going paperless increases efficiency
优化POCT检测流程 Optimized POCT test process
支持医生进行临床科研 Clinical research for doctors
科室 Departments
标准、自动化流程降低医疗风险 Standard and digitized treatment process with lower risks
增加患者会诊率 Higher consultation rate
建立品牌效应 Brand-building
医院管理 Hospital management
全院血糖规范化管理 Standardizing blood sugar management
促进医院信息化建设 Catalyzing IT application in hospital
支持医联体/分级诊疗 Supporting medical partnerships / hierarchical medical treatment