互联网医院 ClouDr Individual Solution
无纸化病情全记录,互联网问诊、开方、拿药一站式服务,每年上亿次问诊服务,智能辅助诊断研究 Paperless medical records; one-stop online service of consultation, prescription and drug purchase; enabling hundreds of millions of consultations annually and facilitating diagnostic research

智云互联网医院 ClouDr Individual Solution
智云健康APP ClouDr APP
智云健康APP是一款针对慢病患者的医疗健康管理软件,帮助患者与医生在线联络,实现便捷的远程复诊和拿药,并打通零售配送,实现送药上门,享受定制化的慢病管理方案 The ClouDr APP is a health management software tailored to those living with chronic diseases, helping them to keep in contact with doctors online and making remote follow-up visits and prescriptions a reality. Moreover, its retail and logistics capabilities have enabled chronic disease patients to enjoy home delivery of drugs and customized disease management

智云健康 ClouDr APP
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智云医生APP Dr. ClouDr APP
智云医生APP内汇聚业内权威内科教授与专家医生合作问诊,实时与广大慢病患者在线交流互动。智云医生APP全力帮助随时了解患者数据,高效管理患者病情,优化诊疗方案,提升学术研究效率 The Dr. ClouDr APP brings together authoritative internists nationwide and real-time interaction with patients with chronic diseases. It aims to provide all-time access to patient data, efficient patient management, and optimized treatment plan, as well as facilitating academic research

智云医生 Dr. ClouDr
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智云互联网医院有效性 Effectiveness of the ClouDr Individual Solution
智云健康与糖尿病权威专家及院士联合开展多项研究,共同制订专业慢病管理方案,其效果已被证明,严格依照医生指导使用智云健康的患者 ClouDr collaborates with preeminent diabetes experts and fellows of the Chinese Academy of Sciences in multiple research projects and jointly develops professional chronic disease management plans, whose effectiveness have been proven
自我管理能力提升比对照组 Self-management capacity up
因心血管并发症死亡风险 Risk of death from cardiovascular complications reduced
糖化血红蛋白下降 Glycosylated hemoglobin reduced
(国外知名慢病管理平台该数值为 0.8) (compared to 0.8 for Livongo, a renowned chronic disease management platform)
来自专业医生的好评 Testimonials from physicians
童主任 Dr. Tong
南京市鼓楼医院 副主任医师 Associate Chief Physician, Gulou Hospital, Nanjing
“过去在线下,慢病患者其实是自我管理,今天看张三,明天看李四,医生不固定,患者可能一年才去医院一次; 在智云互联网医院平台上,患者有了固定的、有资历的医生帮他进行病情管理, 就跟找了个‘名师’一样,医患之间信任度提升,患者的依从性也比较好。” Patients with chronic diseases used to be on their own, switching from one doctor to another between their annual hospital visits; on ClouDr e-Clinic, however, patients have their conditions managed on a regular basis by experienced doctors, who are like health mentors. This helps to strengthen trust between doctors and patients and improve patient compliance
付主任 Dr. Fu
江苏省人民医院 副主任医师 Associate Chief Physician, Jiangsu Provincial People’s Hospital
“医患在智云上有问题可以随时沟通,电子信息存储能力非常好,我要求患者把化验单都传上来,咨询时我就可以直接把信息调出来。另外我自己有一些临床研究,有不少涉及到血糖统计的数据,我会让跟研究相关的患者都加入智云平台,一方面方便管理病情,一方面也能很轻松准确的进行数据分析、管理,学术研究效率大概提升了30%。” On ClouDr, patients can communicate with their doctors at any time. Thanks to the electronic data storage capacity, I ask my patients to upload all their lab results so that I can retrieve the information immediately during consultations. Besides, many of my clinical research projects involve blood sugar statistics, so I’d ask patients relevant to these research projects to join the ClouDr platform, which makes it easier to manage their conditions while enabling more convenient and accurate data analysis and management, improving my research efficiency by about 30%
张护师 Ms. Zhang
南京市鼓楼医院 主管护师 Charge Nurse, Gulou Hospital, Nanjing
“我们在院内对患者进行血糖监测后,智云平台可以自动识别和上传信息,极大降低了护士工作的出错率。这些准确的数据分析,对医护人员进行学术研究,了解整个病区控制情况都非常好。而在院外,通过智云互联网医院也可以帮助医院与门诊患者建立长期粘性。” After monitoring the blood sugar of patients in hospital, the information can be automatically identified and uploaded by the ClouDr platform, significantly reducing error rate. These accurate data analyses help medical professionals in their academic research and keep them updated with all their patients’ conditions. Outside the hospital, ClouDr hospital also makes long-term relationships between hospitals and out-patients visitors possible